Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

According to data from a drug company, 58% male diabetics in the United States to crash ereksi. Other data indicate, male diabetics will experience interference ereksi 10 to 15 years faster than men without diabetes. There are also saying that men with diabetes have a risk of 2 to 5 times for the affected Erectile Dysfunction.

In Indonesia the number of people with DM increased from year to year is estimated to reach seven million patients in the year 2020, or 1.5 percent to two percent of the community. Community in the city most likely affected by DM is greater than in rural areas. This is due to modern lifestyles, such as less movement or exercise, many mengonsumsi food berkolestrol and high-fat berkadar.

What Happens?
We start with what is called Erectile Dysfunction or Impotensi it. Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain ereksi in a relatively long time to get enjoyment when exposed sex. So is not limited only to the inability ereksi same time but only once ereksi less to achieve the satisfaction of both parties.

Problems Erectile Dysfunction is not simple because the issues concerning the various aspects of the broad factors biologik body of men, the factors psikolgis (jiwaan), pair of factors, environmental factors around even socio-cultural factors.

Ereksi can be divided in several phases: in the beginning phases of the still weak (flasid), the blood phase, phase tumesensi (enlargement), and phase ereksi (vertical), and to the rigid phase (vertical and hard). After that happens again detumensensi phase (pelemasan back).

Processes that occur on ereksi excitement begins with the visual, hearing, touch and so forth, which then stimulates nerves in the spinal marrow (autonomous nerve). Then stimulate this nerve-vessel arterial blood vessel korpus kavernosum penis and the penis to widen. Meanwhile, to stimulate nerve-blood vessel duct behind (vena) to decline so that the blood trapped in the penis.

On Diabetes
In the diabetics found akan function of blood vessel wall cells (the cells endotel) that is not normal. There was a decrease in production of NO (nitric oxide) by endotel cells. NO is useful for preventing aggregation trombosit and adhesi prevent the blood vessel wall. Because NO produced lower crust or the plaque can easily arise.

Kardiovaskuler disease can occur in diabetics and non-patients, only in diabetics who have risk factors for higher exposure. Example kardiovaskular disease that often arise such as, arterosklerosis, high blood, infark miokard, heart failure, and so forth.

Diabetes is usually followed by changes in blood lipid profile (dislipidemia). Dislipidemia arising form such as increased VLDL level, penurunanan HDL, increased LDL, and increasing trigliserida will also facilitate the occurrence of plaque.

These three things can happen on the tube on both small and large blood. If a blood vessel on the big makroangiopati called. Large blood vessel that can be affected throughout the body of one of them is a blood vessel penis and penis korpus kavernosum. If it happens to occur it will be the major flow of the penis. The flow of blood that the penis is not the maximum, which does not produce maximum ereksi also.

Furthermore, if happens to the small blood vessel called mikroangiopati. Of course that will be imbasnya are organs that diperdarahinya. Usually the organ diperdarahi of arterial and end-state is less sensitive to the blood so easy any damage on the Oran. Organs that are usually affected eye (retinopati), kidney (nefropati), and nerve (neuropati).

In the autonomous nervous system, blood vessel often mikroangiopati is that blood vessel memperdarahi pleksus fiber autonomous especially pleksus vesikalis. Pleksus vesikalis this mensarafi the function ereksi penis through persarafan by sympathetic nervus hipogastrik (T10-L2) and persarafan parasimpatiknya by nervus pelvicum (S2-S4).

If the autonomous nervous system to ereksi it to crash, of course sexual impulse from a higher level (the brain) can not be perfectly to the penis to hold ereksi, then ereksi will be hampered.

Disruption of blood vessel and nerve in people with diabetes will cause Erectile Dysfunction.

Prevent early as possible
Prevention is better than the treatment. Of course the first you have to do is you kendalikan sugar. Set your diet pattern with a low calorie food with a regular exercise. Control of sugar you may be able to be assisted with medicines that have been previously consulted on your doctor. Then have a pattern of healthy living by not smoking, not drinking alcohol, and to maintain blood pressure remains normal.

You may need to extend the original menkonsumsi New Zealand this. Research the benefits of the latest kiwi fruit in the prevention of Erectile Dysfunction. In the kiwi are arginin and the amino acid glutamate. Arginin a vasodilator (blood vessel stretch) that expedite the flow of blood to the penis.serta evidently capable impotensi treat mild symptoms. In addition, the kiwi esensisal also contain minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, mangan and phosphorus. Work to keep the potassium movement reflek nervous system function and maintain muscle.

The latest research says when you type diabetics, especially insulin-dependence is suggested to check blood sugar before and after to have sex. This action is intended to prevent the decrease in blood sugar during sex do eat a lot of energy. In addition, patients are also advised to eat before and after sex with the same motif.

If it happens
However, when this came about disfungsi you, Be open with your partner. Ask for understanding from your partner to understand and does not demand too much because of psychological factors have a very large perananan healing in Erectile Dysfunction.

Next, contact your health professional, to speak openly with your doctor so that to find the root of the problem before implementing treatment measures. If the mendasarinya psychological factors, your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist or other expert in the field for further therapy.

Many treatment options for Erectile Dysfunction. At the initial stage, the doctor will usually start with a drug that is easy to drink, effective and side effects can be tolerated well, such as the provision of sildenafil (Viagra ®), tadalafil (Cialis ®) and vardenafil (levitra ®).

The other treatment options with hormonal therapy or meninjeksikan drugs directly to the penis. Use vacuum cleaner tool that makes the accumulation of blood in the penis can also be an alternative treatment. Or with invasive measures such as operating or installation protese (artificial penis) in the penis.

So, if you have been diagnosed by your doctor as diabetics, do it soon prevention measures so that Erectile Dysfunction is not about your time in early. (PanduDiputra)

Brownlee, Michael, et al. Complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Williams Text Book of Endocrinology 10th Ed. Elsevier. 2003.
Cunningham, Glenn R. Erectile Dysfunction. Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers. 2002.
Mardjono, Mahar, et al. Interference in order Saraf Diabetes Miletus. Clinical Neurologi Basic. 2004.
McVary, Kevin T. Sexual Dysfunction. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Ed. McGraw-Hill. 2005.
Powers, Alvin C. Diabetes Mellitus. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Ed. McGraw-Hill. 2005.
"Prevent Impotensi With The Sexy Kiwi" www.blogger.com
"Diabetes Affecting Sex Life" www.keluargasehat.com
"Erectile Dysfunction" www.wikipedia.org
"Previously Impotensi Now Erectile Dysfunction" www.kompas.com
"How Does Diabetes affect erection Quality?" Www.levitra.com
"Impotensi (Erectile Dysfunction)" www.decock.wordpress.com
"IMPOTENSI, What Can Happen?" Www.bkkbn.go.id
"Men, you Waspadai Reproductive Health" www.gizi.net
"What Is Quality erection?" Www.levitra.com

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